International Collection 國際藏品欣賞








The Sixth Patriarch in biscuit

 Early 20th century


Mark of Chen Weiyan zhi in relief



H14.4 cm











佛教禪宗六祖慧能(638 7 1 3) 俗姓盧 因佛偈得其師五祖弘忍挑選為繼承人。


The great master of Chan Buddhism, Sixth Patriarch Huineng (638- 713) , original surname Lu , was chosen by master Hongren as successor due to his gãtha.



清光緒至民國年間名家。原名勝,號惠巖, 又號養雲居士。



 Chen Weiyan18681926

A famous potter lived at the turn of the century. His original name was Sheng and Weiyan was his style. He was also known as Yang-Yun Ju-Shi.

His works - figurines, animals, pottery wares are neat and proper, forming a style of his own. He was also skilled in imitating the coloured glazes of some ancient famous kilns, such as the scroll and brush holders in the shape of a pine tree stump in the style of Yixing wares which are his typical representative works. He took his apprentice, Pan Yushu to Jingdezhen, Jiangxi where he exchanged his experience with the potters and learned from them their technique. There he made many things with porcelain clay and decorated them with multi-coloured enamel glazes, combining the techniques of Shiwan and Jingdezhen, and created a new style.



