International Collection 國際藏品欣賞




癸酉年夏日 (1993)

劉炳師承劉佐潮作, “劉炳”、“四代陶人”、"石灣之陶" 陽紋印,劉炳刻款

H 23.9 cm


Luohan Worshipping, in biscuit

1993 Summer

Liu Bing succeeded the works of Liu Zuochao

Mark of “LIU Bing”, “Fourth-generation potter”, "Shi Wan Zhi Tao" in relief and incised mark by LIU Bing





劉炳,    1939年出生於廣東石灣鎮,祖藉順德騰涌鄉。1955年加入陶瓷工藝生產合作社。中國工藝美術大師,中國陶瓷藝術大師。石灣著名劉氏陶藝作坊第四代傳人。


Liu Bing, born in 1939 in Shiwan. Native of Shunde Teng Chung, Guangdong. Starting ceramics works by joining the Ceramic Production Cooperative in 1955. Chinese National Great Master of Arts and CraftsChinese Great Master of Ceramic Arts. He is the 4th generation of famous Liu’s pottery workshop.

