International Collection 國際藏品欣賞




“石灣劉傳“ 陽紋印



Bian Zhuang thorn tigers

Early 20th century

Mark of“Shiwan Liu Chuan?in relief



H 32.5 W 46.5 cm



Shang saw two tigers biting a cow, they want to stand up and fight the tiger. His companion held him down and said, "Don't be busy. Beef taste delicious, two of tigers do not eat evenly, will fight up. The result must be that the little-strength tiger was bitten to death and the strong tiger was bitten. At that time, you go to assassinate the wounded Tiger, is not to do more with less! "Shang followed the advice of his companions. Moments later, two tigers really bit up for a cow's leg to fight for a gun. As a result, one tiger was bitten to death and the other was bitten and limped. At this time, Shang Leap, lift the sword on the hurt Tiger stabbed. Without a few rounds, the tiger was stabbed to death. In this way, Shang amounted to killing two tigers in one fell swoop.

