「嶺南藝粹 · 南粵光影」“Light and Shadows - The Finest Cantonese Artistry”

(佛山) : 區越山微雕鼻煙壺藝術



丙子夏月 (1996)




Mammoth tooth micro-carving by Au YueShan

The essay "Spring Festival Banquet from the Peach Garden"

1996 Summer

H 6.1 cm (Excluding stopper) 

"Spring Evening Banquet Held at the Peach Garden" is a essay written by Li Bai , a poet of the Tang Dynasty .

區越山,又名區雲松,號樵西愚子,生於1933年,祖籍南海西樵。 蜚聲國際的象牙微雕藝術大師。

從十三歲進入象牙行當學徒,刻苦自學、努力鑽研,一生從事雕刻工作六十餘年。 他精通花鳥、魚蟲、人物、山水、樹木、亭台、樓閣、書法、獸類的雕刻技法。

2018 年2 月26日區大師病卒. 其絕活手藝將令人永遠懷念!


The famous master of ivory and mammoth tooth carving, Au YueShan alias Yunsong and Yuxi Yuzi, was born in 1933 at his ancestral home in Xiqiao Town, Nanhoi District.

He entered an ivory workshop as an apprentice at the age of thirteen. He worked hard and studied hard and had spent more than sixty years in carving art works. He was well versed in carving techniques of flowers, birds, fish, figures, animals, calligraph, pavilions and landscapes. He passed away on 26 February 2018. His unique craftsmanship of micro-carving will be well remembered and appreciated.

