Chinese Snuff Bottles Appreciations 鼻煙壺藏品欣賞





一 面刻有賢士僮子. 正在提煉丹藥. 肩部浮雕有「煉丹圖」三字。另一面刻有松樹下穿袍雅士.站於湍流小溪中. 背景刻有山石。







Chalcedony; carved on one side with a sage and his attendant refining a potion in a boiling pot, inscribed in relief on one shoulder with a three -character inscription, Lian dan tu , 'Refining elixir', on the other side a robed figure standing at the edge of a fast flowing stream below pine branches in a rocky landscape.

Suzhou , 1800-1880

H 5.2 cm (Excluding stopper) 




Exhibition: Hong Kong 1996. "A Congregation of Snuff Bottle Connoisseurs"#207